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Why women need to be extra careful about their Bone Health

Indian women are at a higher risk for osteoporosis, a condition in which bones are prone to fracture easily. Studies have found that prevalence of osteoporosis in Indian women is as high as 62% in certain age groups. 

Some interesting facts why Indian women need to be extra careful about their bone health 

Here are some bone facts you need to know: 

Fact 1: Higher fracture risk due to low bone strength, small bones and smaller body type

Children have bones which are made of soft and flexible material called cartilage (car-till-ij). This helps in the child growing and attaining their adult height. After which, this cartilage is slowly deposited with Calcium and hardens to form strong bones as we know.  

Fact 2: Early menopause or stoppage of monthly periods in Indian women weakens their bones early and fast

During childhood, our bones grow in size and density because Calcium and other minerals are being deposited in the bone. Young children who are not getting their Calcium and Vitamin D3 might have bone weakness, bent legs and other issues.  

Fact 3: Indian women less likely to consume foods that provide nutrients for strong bones 

Puberty is an important time for bone growth. Girls grow in height between 11-12 years and boys experience this at 13-14 years1 . Almost 90% of bone strength is achieved during adolescence, something which determines the future bone health. 

Fact 4: Poor knowledge about bone health among Indian women 

By this age, body is no longer forming new bone as easily but the final peak bone mass and strength is reached in the late twenties. Women also experience pregnancy and lactation during these years. A good diet is important to meet high demands of Calcium during pregnancy and lactation. 

Good News: You can still take care of your bones with exercise and diet. 

You can still take care of your bones with exercise and diet.

 It is never too late to take care of your bones. Doing weight bearing exercises, consuming a well balanced diet with calcium and vitamin D, and limiting alcohol and smoking can help prevent or slow down the chances of  developing osteoporosis.2

Then risk for development of osteoporosis is higher for women when compared to men. Loss of bone strength is fastest in the first few years of menopause4. Being forearmed is being forewarned. Since Indian women are more prone to osteoporosis compared to their Western counterparts1 it is important to consult doctors and educate oneself about ways to maintain bone health. Regular physical activity, attention to consuming a healthy diet; supplementation with bone nutrients such as Calcium and Vitamin D3 to make up for gaps coupled with regular check-ups can help address and solve any bone-related problems early on 


1. Khadilkar AV, Mandlik RM. Epidemiology and treatment of osteoporosis in women: An Indian perspective. Int J Womens Health. 2015;7:841– 850. 

2. National institute of arthritis and musculoskeletal and skin diseases. Osteoporosis. Available from: https:/ Accessed on: 18 July 2020. 

3. Patni R. Normal BMD values for Indian females aged 20-80 years. J Midlife Health. 2010;1(2):70-73. doi:10.4103/0976-7800.76215. 

4. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin diseases. Osteoporosis Overview. Available from: https:/ Accessed on: 26 August 2020. 

5. National Family Health Survey 4. Available from: http:/ Accessed on: 26 August 2020. (page 301) 

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